Boxing Week / Year End Clearance

December 2012

Boxing Week / Year End Clearance


Dear %displayname%,

I trust that you’ve had a wonderful Christmas Holiday.  This time of year can certainly be hard on your beverage supply though. With all the gifting of bottles to friends and family, along with all the parties and celebrations, chances are there’s a huge dent in your cellar.  If this is the case, allow us to help you re-stock.  After all, you’ve still got lots to celebrate in 2013 and beyond, right?


Trevor Jordan (Owner / Passionate Wine and Beer Maker)

Boxing Week / Year End Clearance

December 27 to 31 only

Take 20% OFF  or Buy One / Get One 50% OFF all remaining stock of WINE or BEER kits store-wide.  This is a perfect time to redeem any gift certificates you may have found in your stocking this year.


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