“Buck-A-Beer” is back at DiVine Wines!

October 2014

Beer Hunter’s Special

“Buck-A-Beer” is Back!

Beer Hunter’s Special

Set your sights on savings this month with our Beer Hunter’s Special!  Hunting season is just around the corner and we know how you Hunters like to unwind with a nice cold beer at the lodge after a long day of chasing big game.  For the remainder of October, have your own Premium Quality, Micro-Brewed Beer made in our store for only *$66.00 per batch (plus applicable taxes).

Each batch of All-Grain, Micro-Brewed Beer yields 23 liters which equates to 66 bottles at 341 mL each.  That’s just a “buck-a beer”!  Ready in 4-weeks; just in time for hunting season.

Click here to see all styles of beer we offer.

*Based on customer providing bottles. New bottles may be purchased from us at an additional cost if needed.

Offer expires: Saturday, November 01/14.  Excludes Brewmaster’s Reserve Seasonal Specialty Beers.

Store Hours

Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday:  9:00 am – NOON

Sunday & Monday:  CLOSED

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