“Buck-A-Beer” Is Back… To Stay!A while back, we offered a Buck-A-Beer Special on all our micro-brewed beer styles. This was greatly received and now we want to do it again…for ever! Introducing the “Buck-A-Beer” Brewing Club For the Beer Enthusiast who loves the quality of All-Grain, Micro-Brewed Beer, but not the high cost of commercially produced Micro-Brewed Beers, we offer a solution. Join our all new “Buck-A-Beer” Brewing Club and have your own Premium Quality, All Grain Micro-Brewed Beermade in our store for only **$1.00** per bottle. **Based on customer providing bottles. New bottles may be purchased at an additional cost if needed**. HOW IT WORKS: Simply pay an annual membership fee to join our club and commit to brewing a minimum of 4 batches per year in our store. There is no maximum and groups of 2 people are welcome to join under one membership. Each batch of All-Grain, Micro-Brewed Beer yields 23 liters which equates to 66 bottles at 341 mL (12 oz) each. At just a “buck-a-beer”, that’s only **$66** per batch! (regular $90). Ready to drink in only 4-weeks. **Plus applicable taxes** Call 506-465-8466 for more information. Click here to see all micro-brew styles we offer. BONUSJoin our new “Buck-A-Beer” Brewing Club during the month of April and we’ll waive the annual membership fee. That’s a $50.00 bonus savings! Offer expires April 30/16. Store HoursTuesday – Friday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am – NOON Sunday & Monday: CLOSED Click here to un-subscribe from this mailing list.