Festa Brew Seasonal ReleaseFesta Brew is preparing to release their 1st Brewmaster’s Reserve Specialty Beer of 2015. It will be their Bock. This is a classic dark, malty, strong German style Bock beer. Genuine lager yeast ensures adherence to style. It has a high original gravity and finishes moderately sweet with a stronger, warming alcohol content.
Price per beer kit: $50 take home, $90 made in-store (taxes included. bottles extra). We are currently taking pre-orders for this special beer. Supply will be limited to one shipment only. Deadline for pre-orders is Friday, December 12/14 with an anticipated arrival date of January 21/15. If you would like to reserve one or more of these Premium Quality beer kits, please let us know before the pre-order deadline to ensure that you will get the quantities requested. Call (506)465-8466 or email divinewines@nb.aibn.com to reserve yours today. Limited Edition ReminderThe deadline for placing your pre-order for this years’ Limited Edition Wines is fast approaching. Please have your pre-orders in to us by Friday, December 5th to ensure you don’t miss out. Click HERE to see this years line-up. Social Media
Store HoursTuesday to Friday – 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Saturday – 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Sunday & Monday – CLOSED Click here to un-subscribe from this mailing list. If you haven’t done so already, please click here to confirm your consent to continue receiving future mailings from us. |