Dear %displayname%, Happy Groundhog Day! Only 6 more weeks of Winter… or is it 6 more weeks till Spring? Either way, that’s exactly how long it takes to make our Selection Original and Selection International Premium Wine kits. Coincidence? Perhaps, but here’s a special to help take away the Winter Blues and get you thinking about warmer days ahead. CHEERS! Trevor Jordan (Owner / Passionate Winemaker) Groundhog Day SpecialWednesday, February 2nd only Take 20% OFF any regular priced, in stock Selection Original or Selection International Premium Series, 6-week wine kit. Regular $119.95 to $129.95 take home, $189.99 to $199.99 made in store, now only $95.97 to $103.96 take home, $166.00 to $174.00 made in store. You save $23.99 to $25.99 per order! Don’t miss out! This one day only special absolutely ends at store closing today. Phone 465-8466 or email divinewines@nb.aibn.com to reserve your favorites if you wish to take advantage of this special but are unable to make it in before store closing today at 5:00 PM. Sorry no rainchecks on out of stock items. OFFER EXPIRES AT STORE CLOSING ON FEBRUARY 2/11.