Dear %displayname%, The last day to have wines made in time to be bottled before Christmas is fast approaching. We can make our 4-week, value brand and Island Mist wines until November 18th. After this date, it will be too late. Please note that the two weeks leading up to Christmas are our busiest bottling time of the year and scheduling appointments can get very hectic. If you wish to have wines bottled before the holidays, please don’t wait until the last minute to have your wines made. We wouldn’t want to have any disappointed customers, especially at Christmas. CHEERS!
Trevor Jordan (Owner)
November SpecialsThe following varieties are currently $10.00 OFF.VINTNERS RESERVE Zinfandel/Cabernet and Gewurztraminer. Reg. $79.95 take home, $149.99 in- store. Now $69.95 take home, $139.99 in store.
WORLD VINEYARD Italian Sangiovese and Australian Riverland Reserve. Reg. $89.95 take home, $159.99 in-store. Now $79.95 take home, $149.99 in-store. Offer expires November 30/10.
Selection Limited Edition 2010The list of wines being offered in this year’s Selection Limited Edition Lineup has been released, and HERE they are. Selection Limited Edition Series features a strictly limited number of outstanding wine kits released on an annual basis. Announced each Fall, specific wines are offered each month from January through April. These unique and intriguing wines are available only during their month of release so pre-ordering is highly recommended to ensure you’ll receive these sought-after offerings. Selection Limited Edition Ultra Premium wine kits are simply the best we have to offer; and being priced at $30 less than their equivalent Selection Estate Series, they are the best value in wine kits too. If you purchase only five wine kits per year, it should be these five! Pre-order deadline for this years Limited Edition varieties is December 10/2010. Price per Limited Edition wine kit is $129.95 take home, $199.99 made in store. Pre-order forms available now at DiVine Wines. Gift Giving Ideas
New Holiday Wine Labels
We have two new holiday themed vinyl peel and stick label templates to help with your giftgiving this year. Our new vinyl label designs are printed on clear film thus presenting a “printed on the bottle” look to give your finished wines a more professional appearance; and they can be dry peeled from the bottle without the need to soak them in water. Now that’s a bonus! Above are samples of the new MD-74 and MD-75 labels. These custom labels can be printed individually at $0.25 each or in complete packages of thirty for only $6.99. Click HERE to view our entire line of fully customizable wine labels.
Tip of the MonthThe next best thing to discovering a great wine is making your own.