Second Day Of Christmas“On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… A Vin-Aire Wine Aerator.
SPECIAL Take 15% OFF all in-stock Vin-Aire Wine Aerators. Reg. $39.99 each. Now only $33.99. Offer expires: December 24/2012. Check your email tomorrow for our Third Day Of Christmas Special. First Day Of Christmas“On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… the gift of wine and beer making, with a complete home starter equipment kit. Perfect for the “Do-It-Yourselfer” on your shopping list. SPECIAL!
18 pc Deluxe Starter Equipment Kit for both wine and beer, only $89.99! Contains everything the hobbiest needs to get started making wine or beer at home. 12 pc beer making only equipment kit, $59.99. Pays for itself on the first batch! Offer expires: December 24/2012. Click here to un-subscribe from this mailing list.