Stella & Dot Open House at DiVine Wines

February 14/2012


Stella & Dot Open House at DiVine Wines

Dear %displayname%,

Take a style break! Visit DiVine Wines on Wednesday during your lunch hour for a Stella & Dot Trunk Show featuring fabulous boutique-style Stella & Dot jewelry at irresistible prices. You may have heard about Stella & Dot from Lucky Magazine, InStyle, The Today Show or maybe you’ve seen it on countless celebrities. The buzz is catching on and for good reason.

Come to our Open House, Wednesday, February 15th from Noon until 2pm with independent stylist Terri Jordan.  Try on some jewelry and enjoy the ultimate personal shopping experience.

Feel free to bring a friend and invite anyone you think may be interested.   If you can’t make it, no worries… we will host another event on Friday evening, February 17th from 7pm-9pm.  We look forward to shopping with you!

For a sneak peak and to make a wish list, visit

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