Tenth Day Of Christmas

December 22, 2011

Tenth Day Of Christmas

Ninth Day Of Christmas

Eighth Day Of Christmas

Seventh Day Of Christmas

Sixth Day Of Christmas

Fifth Day Of Christmas

Fourth Day Of Christmas

Third Day Of Christmas

Second Day Of Christmas

First Day Of Christmas

Tenth Day Of Christmas

On The Tenth Day Of Christmas, my true love gave to me… a Gift Cirtificate From DiVine Wines!


Purchase a minimum $100.00 gift certificate for that special someone on your shopping list and receive a bonus coupon for an additional $10.00 savings on purchases made with their gift certificate after Christmas.


Check your email tomorrow for our Eleventh Day Of Christmas Special.  

Ninth Day Of Christmas

On the Ninth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… a Still Spirits Premium Whisky Profile Kit!


All in-stock Still Spirits Premium Whisky Profile kits, regular $59.99, now only $49.99.  You save $10.00!

Still Spirits Premium Whisky Profile Kit contains flavour notes like peat, oak, sherry, grain and fruity esters.  These are just some of the notes that make up a whisky.  The Whisky Profile Kit provides all the whisky flavour notes so you can adjust the flavour profile of your whisky to exactly match your preferences.  Ingredients enough to flavor 21 liters of neutral spirit.

Simply start with vodka or any neutral spirit, follow the dosing directions, and enjoy your very own Whisky Style.  Eleven styles to choose from including: Highland, Lowland, Teachers, Glenfiddich, Bourbon and more.  Perfect for the Whisky Lover on your list.


Check your email tomorrow for our Tenth Day Of Christmas Special.  

Eighth Day Of Christmas

On the Eighth Day Of Christmas, my true love gave to me… a water purifier/essential oil extractor!

All in stock Still Spirits table top water purifier/essential oil extractors, regular $269.99, now only $199.99.  You save $50.00!

The Still Spirits Water Purifier is a revolutionary product that will be right at home amongst your everyday kitchen appliances.  As simple to use as your kitchen kettle, this unit is air cooled so it uses no water for cooling.  Click HERE for more information.  Click HERE to see a video of the air still in operation.  Also available, the Turbo 500, 25 liter stainless steel oil extractor with reflux condenser (Special order only.  Call for pricing).

These units have other uses too, including bio-fuel manufacture and alcohol distillation. (alcohol distillation is not legal in Canada)


Check your email tomorrow for our Ninth Day Of Christmas Special.  


Seventh Day Of Christmas

On the Seventh Day Of Christmas, my true love gave to me… a wine themed gift basket (and maybe even a bottle of my favorite wine).


All remaining in stock wine themed gift baskets, regular $29.99, now only $21.99.  You save $8.00!  

Basket contains Italian pasta, gourmet pasta sauce, herbs & spices, basil pesto, mulling spices and snacks.  Also contains a package of herb seeds that you can plant and grow in the basket once emptied.  Perfect for the food lover on your list.

While supplies last only.  Limited Quantities Available.

Check your email tomorrow for our Eighth Day Of Christmas Special. 

Sixth Day of Christmas

On the Sixth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… A bottle of my favorite Liqueur!



All in-stock Still Spirits boxed liqueur kits, regular $11.99 to $14.99 each, now only $9.99 to 12.99 each.

Each liqueur kit produces 1.125 L or 40 oz of your favorite liqueur.  Simply add 2 to 3 cups of Vodka to the kit ingredients, mix and serve.  Several favorites to choose from including popular Irish Cream, Coconut Rum, Sambuca and Cafelua (similar to Kahlua). 


Check your email tomorrow for our Seventh Day Of Christmas Special. 


Fifth Day OF Christmas

On the Fifth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… a portable, pocket-sized digital breathalyzer!


All in stock Portable Digital Blood Alcohol Testers, regular $19.99 each, now only $14.99 each.  You save 20%! 

This is a compact, convenient device that you can carry anywhere.  Detects presence of alcohol in your bloodstream and alerts you if your level is above .05% BAC.  Great fun at parties!  Perfect Yankee Swap gift.  Limited quantities.  Click HERE for more information and specifications.



Check your email tomorrow for our Sixth Day Of Christmas Special. 

Fourth Day Of Christmas

“On the Fourth Day Of Christmas, my true love gave to me… the gift of wine and beer making, with a complete home starter equipment kit.


Purchase a complete home wine/beer making starter equipment kit and get your first wine or beer kit of choice at 1/2 PRICE.  Save from $20 to $80!

 18 pc Deluxe starter equipment kit for both wine and beer, only $89.99!  Contains everything you need to get started making your own wine or beer at home.

12 pc beer making only equipment kit, $59.99.  Perfect for the “Do-It-Yourselfer” on your shopping list.  Pays for itself on the first batch!

Offer expires December 24/2011.

Check your email tomorrow for our Fifth Day Of Christmas Special. 

Third Day Of Christmas

On the Third Day Of Christmas, my true love gave to me… a $100.00 Gift Card From DiVine Wines!

That’s right, $100.00 could be yours.  All you have to do is stop by DiVine Wines and enter a guess at how many corks are in this carboy.  Closets guess wins a $100.00 gift card from our shop.  Only $2.00 per guess or 3 guesses for $5.00.  All proceeds go toward the charity of the winner’s choice.  I’m sure you have a favorite charity or cause that could use your help at this time of year.

Draw date: December 19th. 

In the event of more than one correct guess, a winner will be drawn from all correct entries.  GOOD LUCK!

Check your email tomorrow for our Fourth Day Of Christmas Special. 

Second Day Of Christmas

On the Second Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… a Vin-O-Air Wine Aerator.


The Vin-O-Air wine aerator makes a perfect stocking stuffer for the wine enthusiast on your shopping list.  This on-bottle wine aerator does it all: serves up a perfect pour, eliminates drips, and fully aerates your wine for maximum flavor.  At only 7″ long, it’s sleek, compact size makes for effortless portability.  Regular price: $24.99, now only $19.99.  You save $5.00!

While supplies last only.  Limited Quantities Available.

Click HERE to see the Vin-O-Air in action.

Check your email tomorrow for our Third Day Of Christmas Special. 

First Day Of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… Govino “Go Anywhere” Wine/Cocktail Glasses.



Receive a set of four Govino “Go Anywhere” Wine/Cocktail glasses FREE with purchase of any Island Mist Wine Kit or Twisted Mist Cocktail Kit. ($14.99 value) 

Shatterproof, reuseable and recyclable, these wine glasses are perfect for the hot tub and can be packed worry free into your luggage for traveling. (Made from food safe, BBA-free polymer)

While supplies last only.  Limited Quantities Available.