Vote For Your Favorite New Wine Label Designs For 2013Once again, MacDay Label Systems, our custom label provider is seeking input from retailers and customers alike who use their labels for their winemaking. You are invited to VOTE for labels to be added to the MacDay Custom Label Collection and be entered to win a prize. Please click on the link below to go to the voting page. There are 20 potential designs offered on clear vinyl or dry peel adhesive on paper with raised varnish. Click here to view the new label designs for 2013 voting!If you choose to participate in the voting process, please be sure to type DiVine Wines, St. Stephen, NB in the “your store name” box on the submission form. If your submission is chosen, DiVine Wines wins a free roll of labels and you win a $20.00 gift card from our store. It’s a real Win-Win! Voting closes May 24, 2013 and the winning label designs will be announced May 31. GOOD LUCK! Trevor Jordan (Owner / Passionate Winemaker) |